
17 Apr 2022

How do you get through the day?

How do you set yourself up for a good day?

And, if it is important to you, how can you have a more satisfyingly productive day?

When mental state is low, it can be hard to get out of bed. However, I run out of sleep! Gone are the days when I’d leap out of bed, full of enthusiasm for the day ahead, but those days may return. Until then, I need motivation.

There are many excellent strategies to help us get stuff done – and the ‘stuff’ will always be there demanding energy. However, one size really doesn’t fit all. I’ve tried ‘eating that frog’ (doing the difficult or unpleasant tasks first) and I can see how brilliant it is. For me, though, when I’m miserable, doing another miserable task first only deepens the gloom! Instead, I need something to perk me up first – the mental health equivalent of a good cup of coffee.

Yesterday, by design, I topped and tailed my day with piano. I practised before work and then, after work, I had my highly-valued lesson. ‘Practice’ may sound like as much fun as eating a frog, but, thankfully, I enjoy it. Somewhat typically of those with poor mental health, I often don’t allow myself the luxury of practice. That’s a mistake. Bookending the day with something I like really made a difference to the rest of the day.

The morning session set me up well for the day. The evening session was something to look forward to – giving me energy to keep going. Let’s make this straightforward and easy to apply. I intend to build something to enjoy first thing in the morning into my routine, and to have something to look forward to as part of my evening.

This could work for you too – worth giving it a try. What would be your morning treat and your evening delight?


A Moodscope member.

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