Boxing in on Boxing Day

26 Dec 2023

If you are anything like me, you might be feeling the effects of the last few weeks – overloaded senses, met/unmet expectations, repeat jollity and unsettling routine change. It’s quite the mix.   

I wanted to put it down in words that you don’t just have permission to navigate away from it, but it might also be a necessity. 

It doesn’t mean you don’t enjoy festivities, but maybe that they need to be dosed out carefully in measures. Taken in small chunks. Or perhaps not at all.  Perhaps returning into your own little box where you can go at your pace is plenty.   

Feel free to put a little lid on your box, take some time out for yourself, and remember you’re most definitely not alone! There are whole armies out there of Christmas weary people who need Boxing Day (and the days after) to be inward.  Welcome in.  Stay a while. Listen to what the quietest voice inside you is asking for. Normal service will resume.  

Love from 

The room above the garage 

A Moodscope member

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