Brain washing

17 Jul 2024

Our washing machine is on all the time. We only have room for one, so everything goes in there, clothes, bedding, dog blankets and towels. Not in the same wash I hasten to add, I do have some standards. 

The constant use combined with the usual 30 degree wash means the machine gets grimy and smelly sometimes. Even soda crystals don't always do the trick. I have just found some marvellous deep-clean stuff, better than any others I have used.

I keep opening the machine door to sniff the freshness and admire the pristine shine (Yes, I do need to get out more.)

This got me thinking. How wonderful it would be to have something to rid my brain of years of accumulated nasty stuff. I don't mean wiping out everything, just the residue from the past that clogs things up, stops the efficient working of my remaining brain cells.

You could decide when you have had enough of the endless flashbacks, the intrusive thoughts that keep you awake. Ideally I would have something you could pour into your ears at bedtime. You would decide what degree of cleanse you want, maybe a particular year you would rather forget. You awake to a squeaky clean memory.

These bad memories could be replaced by benign false memories, of your own choosing. For instance, instead of replaying a horrible domestic drama, I would be sitting on a rug in a beautiful meadow in the south of France. Around me delightful puppies and kittens would be tumbling around in play, while I tuck into a cream tea. Elvis and Bob Dylan would  perform the songs they wrote just for me. We are in a happy sexless menage-a-trois. 

What machine setting would you choose when your poor brain needs a detox?


A Moodscope member

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