Bringing in the milk

9 Apr 2023

I brought in the milk. It arrived in a chubby glass bottle, a quiet comfort and nod to times when life felt simpler. Perhaps it’s how we stay sane - keep as much of a connection as you can to times you feel good. 

Before I closed the door there was a vibrant “Good morning” in a voice I did not recognise. Later, as I went out, we chatted and for a moment I received a proper art of minuscule and major conversation. It was about nothing very much and yet it is so very important. The exchange of hellos and “What a lovely job you’ve done there” and “Where are you off to” was nothing and everything. I could’ve kissed him on the cheek. (I didn’t.) It set my day. 

And here I am at the other end. The evening dappled sun is kissing the roof tops opposite me. My old friend has just woken up and is beginning to stretch his branches, he is sleepy yet and not quite ready to play. But he winked at me and that is good enough. I have food in a skillet on the stove. And three young adult children with rumbling tummies. Some things we can depend upon. Spring has unveiled its headline act. We are here. We made it. The year begins properly now, how it unfurls is up to us.   

Happy new year to all celebrating religious, chocolate and cultural festivals at this time of year, and those who are simply cheered by the trumpets of daffodils. 

Love from 

The room above the garage 

A Moodscope member

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