Building a new mind

26 Mar 2022

If you have read some of my previous Posts you may realise I am recovering from a broken Mind. In March 2020 my Mind went into meltdown. I could not function properly and the physical and mental effects were very unpleasant.


I had no idea what had actually happened to me or why. To get through each day I relied on my dear wife. After the first two weeks I started to receive counselling therapy over the phone. (Face to Face was not available due to lockdown restrictions). 


It is only recently that I feel I am beginning to make some sense of the last two years. I have accepted my mind was damaged irreparably. Very gradually I feel I have been building a new mind. The “old” and “new” minds have different components. As a consequence I feel a different person in certain ways. I am very much more aware of my feelings and emotions.


Building a new mind has been a long and gradual process. I have needed a lot of patience as my old badly functioning mind is still around and interferes intermittently with my thought processes.  


 I am grateful that I have found the right materials for the new mind’s foundations. These are two very solid entities.

The first is Moodscope. There every day, totally reliable. The Posts are everlasting and are cemented in permanent positions. At this point I would like to thank the Moodscope “workforce”.  The organisers, bloggers, and commentators for their help in my building work.


The second is Therapy. I started making it in October 2020 with a local therapist. We have had around 50 sessions and found early on that we could work together. Most of the time we easily agree on the constituents of the mixture.


Having got the foundations in place I then needed some building blocks. There were many ingredients used but I think the main ones were: Humour, Empathy, Sociability and Gratitude. These seemed to make a good mixture and have helped me cement my relationships with so many Moodscopers.


Unfortunately MH is an amorphous entity and does not lend itself to concrete thinking!  


How do I know when the building is complete? It will always be a WIP. So I will always seeking improvements. I will try to provide progress updates from time to time.


Do fairytales really exist?

(Whatever, it’s something to build on!)


Are you building anything or wish you were?


A Moodscope member.

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

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