Hello, I am feeling very tired today!

13 Jun 2013

Someone posted a comment about tiredness a while back, in fact two people did.

What they said struck a big chord with me. The essence of both their comments was that whilst they found it difficult to distinguish between the different causes of their tiredness, once they had sorted out the different causes, they were better able to deal with their fatigue.

Now... I feel tired when I don't get enough deep refreshing sleep and I have never ever thought that anything else causes me to feel tired, the sort of fatigue where everything feels a bit pointless and I am unenthusiastic about things. When I sleep well (once in a blue moon) I am on top of the world, confident, witty and guess what, not tired!

Once a medic said to me that I wasn't sleep deprived but depressed instead but I insisted NO! I am only depressed because I haven't slept properly.

Oh dear, it's such a conundrum, such a chicken and egg situation. I don't know where I am on this issue.

Does anyone out there have this problem? Does bad sleep tiredness feel different to fatigue caused by something else? How will I recognise a different type of fatigue and it's cause?

Does this dilemma happen with other forms of mental health problems? I think finding a cause for how we feel is nigh impossible most of the time!

Thoughts on the above? Please feel free to post a comment below.

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