Busy doing nothing…

16 Oct 2024

We have had a busy weekend doing lots of wonderful things.

Saturday morning starts with parkrun, followed by lunch with friends. It was all lovely.

Saturday evening we had to prepare for the next day: a very early start to get to a cyclocross event which was a two hour drive away.

Sunday morning we were up and away. We arrived at the cycling venue where things were a little chaotic and required quite a bit of sorting. I’m part of the results crew. I was running to and fro across the park between the registration and judging tents dealing with ‘issues’.  I also found time to share with friends, catch up on their comings and goings. It was great… and exhausting.

But we didn’t go home straight away as a close friend was over from the USA so we all met at another friend’s house, an hour from the cycle park, for beer and curry. It was a great night with old friends, much laughter, memories and chat.

Everyone stayed over. We talked more over breakfast bagels, then drove two hours home where our cat demanded a lot of attention.  There was lots of sorting out bikes, washing and stuff to do.

Once the main tasks were completed we settled down to watch the cycling World Championships on the TV. We looked at our watches - we’d soon need to go out to Film Society. Only a ten minute walk to the cinema. And we looked at each other and decided the film could wait. We knew that we’d enjoy the film and the experience of seeing it at the cinema, but we needed to stay put, sit down and relax. We snuggled down to watch an episode of Ludwig (on BBC iPlayer), and gave ourselves the self-care we needed. Tomorrow we can start refreshed.

Sometimes we need to say ‘no’ to good things in order to save the whole.


A Moodscope member

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