Cake for breakfast

Self care
11 Jun 2023

Sometimes we need to eat cake for breakfast. 

I don’t really have a sweet tooth (Jelly Babies aside – my kingdom for half a pound of Jelly Babies!) and there is nothing I enjoy more than poached eggs for breakfast. But sometimes cake for breakfast is magic. Even three-day old cake with sprinkles that have bled their colour into the icing. 

Life has been a constant whirl, and I’ve become much better now at handling that. No less busy but far less worried about things undone and things queueing. “It’s in the queue” has become a treasured phrase of mine because it says ‘I am tending to this, but it hasn’t yet reached top priority’. I highly recommend adopting this phrase, it is a way to be kind to ourselves.   

This morning I had a rare occurrence of an empty house. I put everything in the queue and popped the traffic light to red. Not me who normally does this. I poured a coffee. Switched on the sprinkler to rescue the plants that had been queueing for a little rain.  

And I ate cake for breakfast (no dishes) as I watched the tiniest of birds have a little bath in the puddle that grew between the edge of the grass and the dip of the border. 

And life felt really, really, good. 

I wish you this, or your version of cake and a queue. 

Love from

The room above the garage 

A Moodscope member


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