Can not judging others make it easier to not judge ourselves?

18 Apr 2015

Some of us really believe we are worthless, useless or a failure as a person. These beliefs can be so deeply held that nothing seems to shift them. Often, we are so judgemental on ourselves that this habit can spill over so that we become judgemental on other people and events.

One way of counteracting this is to completely change the habit and give up being judgemental altogether. Like an alcoholic giving up alcohol - it can be done with a great deal of willpower and commitment.

Learning to stop evaluating people as right or wrong, good or bad is hard. But remember we don't have enough information and people are doing what they consider to be their best choice of behaviour available, according to their own circumstances, needs and values at the time.

Ironically, if we work on not judging others, we will be kinder to ourselves as well. Over time this will change our negative beliefs about ourselves.


The Moodscope team.

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