Can you change one thing about your life or you?

17 Mar 2023

l read a book about coping with mental health that suggested trying to change one small thing in one’s life. People often want to change everything and have then found it too much. I am someone who often wanted to change everything in my life and was overwhelmed, so I did nothing.  

Another article suggested we encourage ourselves to play more like children. I wrote about this in a blog. The writer encouraged us to just choose one thing and do it differently or in a creative way. It could be as simple as walking in a different direction than you normally do. It may be getting out crayons and drawing a picture with your eyes closed, or eliminating words like hopeless or terrible.

My one change is to go a day without saying sorry when it is not necessary.

When my children were small we had upside down day where we were dressed for breakfast but had our evening meal in pyjamas, for evening meal we had breakfast. The children loved it!! I did too, just being different and silly helped.

So, it is your turn, choose something small or not small and be creative, or serious and if you have time, report back how it went.

There are no right or wrong changes just something you have not done before or something you have done like walking and doing it in a different way.


A Moodscope member

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