Can You Feel It Springing Up?

31 Mar 2019

For our members in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring is making her presence felt – in every blossom bursting forth, in every green leaf unfurling, in every birdsong heralding brighter, warmer times to come.

For those of our members in the Southern Hemisphere, Autumn's mellow fruitfulness can be seen, smelled, touched, tasted.

The times, they are a changing.

Can you feel it?

Sometimes, when we're low, feelings become dulled by the weight of what we are facing. But there is hope... out there.

Today, I'm going to invite you warmly to look outside. To listen. To smell. To touch. And even to taste.

If Autumn is your season, Winter is not here yet. If Spring is your season, Winter is behind.

Now is the time to embrace Nature's goodness, her fruitfulness, her promises.

I'm springing into a fresh season of joy, powerfully aware that what looked hopeless, what looked dead, what looked defeated... wasn't. The life couldn't be seen but it was there nevertheless.

There's life in you yet. You may not feel it, but Spring and Autumn won't be denied. Winter has its time, but now is not that time.

Share with me, with us, what you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste today that proclaims positive transformation is happening.

It doesn't have to be about you – I know what it's like when times are tough – I'm talking about what's happening 'out there'. And you know what? What's out there is calling – calling you to come and join in. Come out to play. To celebrate. To dance.


A Moodscope member.

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