...We'd like you to contribute to our new help and advice section of the web site.
Time and time again we have been told by our members that the reason they get so much out of the Moodscope daily emails is because they are written by Moodscope members - people who understand as they are going through similar experiences - and that the help and support provided by the blogs and comments is invaluable.
We've published lots of really great blogs, and comments, where people have shared their inner thoughts, strategies for coping, what's worked for them and what hasn't etc.
Well, we'd really like to pull together all these wonderful nuggets of wisdom and publish them in a section on the web site so that everyone can access them and benefit from them.
We'll be placing them in various categories so they're easy for people to find and we're also going to compile a 'top tips' page that everyone can vote on.
So, please, please share your knowledge, tips, insights or thoughts – anything you think someone else may benefit from. It can be one or a few, the more the merrier.
Please email them to support@moodscope.com and please add your permission for us to publish them on the Moodscope web site.
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards.
The Moodscope team.
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