That was my friend's advice. He saw I was breaking, or broke,n already—beyond my comfy point of normal flexing.
It didn't need to be something massive. Or big. But significant. To me. Tiny, perhaps. But matter-some. So that I'd see a difference. Feel a difference.
"Decision is the ultimate power". We won't know if ours is the best decision. A good decision. But it's a choice. Of ours. Done.
If we don't see a difference, no matter. Choose a second thing. Change that. Keep watching. Listening. To your heart. And to others'. To the moodscape around you.
"If you always do what you always did, you'll always get what you always got". So goes the dictum of the empirical scientist. Wanna see something new? Change one factor.
A Moodscope member.
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