Changing your mind

10 Sep 2021

I used to think I was indecisive but now I’m not so sure!

This post is about changing “your Mind” and not “changing your mind”

I am sure you will agree that sometimes life is not easy. It is more of a challenge if you suffer from poor mental health. Making a decision about a relatively simple matter can get complicated.

The Mind has this annoying habit of producing both positive and negative thoughts about anything. As it is not possible to change your Mind in the literal sense, I think the best approach might be to make friends with it. That way we may be able to have a better understanding about how it operates, and make some kind of peace with it. (That does not mean you ignore negative or unhelpful thoughts. It is best to acknowledge them. If such a thought persists try writing it down and testing it with factual information.) So if you are seeking peace of mind stop fighting with your thoughts.

It might help if you talk to your Mind. This may seem crazy to you but I am not the only one to do it. Research has shown that talking to yourself is good for you. But don’t forget to listen!

If you want to change your Mind so that it becomes more peaceful here are a few ideas:

1. Focus on things over which you have control.

2. Spend time in nature.

3. Make your own decisions about what is important to you.

4. Help others.

5. Be assertive, take control.

6. Meditate.

7. Avoid trying to change others.

Each person has a mindset that is a set of beliefs that shape how you make sense of the world and yourself. These have an influence on how you think, feel and behave. If you can change the way your Mind operates it may begin to alter your mindset.

You may be able to enhance positive beliefs such as gratitude, self confidence and creativity. Or diminish negative beliefs such as fear, laziness and anger.

If you dare research into “The Mind” you will find there

are many quotes from many people. I have selected one by the German Spiritual Teacher Eckhart Tolle:

“ The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation

but thought about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are thinking and separate them from the situation which is always neutral. It is as it is.”

Do you think you can change your Mind a little?


A Moodscope member.

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