Changing your mind: Becoming a child again.

27 Nov 2014

For my fourth blog on Mindfulness I am going to talk about a silly technique that I find helps to settle me if I am going somewhere and I start to get anxious.

When my kids were little we used to play a game on car journeys. We would look at the letters on the number plates of passing cars and try and make phrases out of them. They did not have to make sense but the funnier they could be the better. So for example DFB would be Donkeys Fart Better, GCU could be Golden Coloured Unicorns and so on.

When I am starting to get tense just focussing on thinking up silly phrases helps to stop the thoughts running around my head and gives me a few seconds breathing space.

Maybe you have silly games like this that you played as a kid, try doing them again as an adult. But if you don't have kids with you I would recommend doing them just in your head!!


A Moodscope member.

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