Charmed Life or False Idol?

Self care
12 Aug 2023

I've spent a fair proportion of my life in and out of ups and downs. That said, I have to say, after a small blip at the beginning of this year, following the death of my mother, I've been enjoying life to the full.

The old Robin would have questioned why such a good time was being had and be looking over one shoulder, expecting the worst! The new Robin, doesn't give a f**k because life is too short to worry about what might be. 

Practising mindfulness daily, has helped me tremendously. Fifteen minutes a day to just sit in silence and 'be' has paid dividends for me. And I'm really loving life and I'm full of energy too.

Every day, I try to be better than I was the previous day but I do not compete with others. They have their own demons. I concern myself, with myself! That is not to say I don't help others where I can: I do. I undertake some charity work for MIND and raise money for Prostate Cancer and for Movember because it does give me a certain amount of satisfaction 'giving back' and I genuinely think my support helps others.

As someone with BP2, I just have to be a little careful that I'm not on anything but a natural high at present. It certainly feels that way. I know my triggers and my coping strategies to minimise these, so all is good.

I can feel my enthusiasm at work rubbing off on some of my colleagues. It's great to see especially since being in retail at the moment is a tough gig for us all.

Whatever 'light' I am able to bring to myself and others, every day, I strive for. It makes me happy to help and support others and, in doing so, I'm helping myself too.

I wish you, dear reader, a fantastic day. I also wish you love, life and happiness. Embrace all three because at times none of these come easy.

Robin Goodfellow

A Moodscope member

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