Cometh the hour, cometh the man

3 Jun 2024

On the 4th of July our friends across the pond will be celebrating their victory over us Brits. Here in the UK we will be voting in our next government.

I know Moodscope avoids politics and religion, but I hope Caroline will cut me a bit of slack. You may well be like me, thinking you will vote for whoever, but with a heavy heart. They are all the same when it comes down to it. 

Well I have a candidate like no other you have encountered before. This man was born to lead, and he is champing at the bit to put this great nation of ours to rights.

I give you my partner Spock. There is no subject that he is not an expert in, no problem facing the UK that he cannot hold forth on. He is particularly keen to share these opinions with me. I am so lucky to get educated on such a wide-ranging list of subjects.

If I said to you "What are your feelings on the situation in (say) Equador?" you might answer as I did "Dunno, where's Equador?"  He's your man.

I now know a lot of things I never knew I needed. My education often comes over breakfast, still half asleep, or on a long ‘relaxing’ walk.

He will sort out law and order, though I am a bit dubious about the harsh penalties he would impose on anyone who takes a creative approach to dishwasher loading, or lets their hedge over hang the pavement. Companies who raise prices whilst also reducing contents will be heavily fined. This man knows how many crisps and biscuits there used to be in a pack.

His policy on the economy can be summed up as "Waste not, want not". It will be mandatory to squeeze the last smear of toothpaste from tubes, the sale of shorts will be heavily taxed, encouraging taking scissors to old trousers.

His time in the navy made him an expert on all aspects of the armed forces, warfare and weaponry.

I know becoming PM will give him less time to educate me, but it is a sacrifice I am prepared to make for my country.

Do you have someone in your life, or maybe a fictional character that you would vote for? We can between us mend "broken Britain". 


A Moodscope member  

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