Connecting with the soul.

23 Oct 2014

Recently I have felt a great need to heal my soul. I have felt as though my soul has been wounded and hurt and that this has caused me sadness and pain. I have never really before considered what my soul actually is. I have previously struggled to fully comprehend it. I am in the process of learning self healing through meditation and I have learnt some fundamental aspects.

I am most definitely an over thinker of life. I'm pretty certain I over think overthinking!! But I have recently learnt something that I have found liberating; I am actually not my thoughts and I am not my mind. I was amazed at this concept. I struggle to not think, I didn't think it was possible to be in a mind state with out any thought. So if I'm not my thoughts, and I'm not my mind, who am I?

Meditation is slowly helping me to connect with who I am. When I close my eyes I shut out the light and this helps me to focus. Concentrating on my breathing enables me to slow down my brain and my mind. My attention begins to focus on my body. I focus on each part of my body, and as I follow the process, my thoughts begin to become fewer. Feeling relaxed and centred I become aware of the sensations in the body, of the energy flowing through me. My body begins to feel lighter until all I'm left with is an awareness of energy.

That energy, I now realise is the essence of my being, that is my soul. And it is a totally freeing awareness because I now realise that, no matter what my struggles, no matter what my thoughts are or what each day brings, I have the ability to close my eyes and connect with myself and to feel the energy within, and I emerge with a renewed gratitude for having the gift to experience life.


A Moodscope member.

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