Connection with others

24 Nov 2023

Over the years of going to doctors, psychiatrists, specialists, and other health professionals I have rarely felt a real connection with most of them. I am someone who needs to feel there is an understanding and a connection beyond just writing me a script.

I have read blogs here and comments by Moodscopers who have found a doctor or a counsellor or a psychologist that they really relate to and the way the Moodscopers write about these people is really inspiring. It makes me wish I could find such a person. People have told me you must want to know what you want out of a healthy relationship with a professional, but if I knew what I wanted I would not need to see one.

Last week I saw a complimentary health professional and I felt for the first time that I had a connection with this person. I was told that mine was a complex condition and so it may be hard to help. I found that honest and reassuring. This is not complimentary versus traditional medicine but one person taking time to listen to me and being honest.

I would be interested in those Moodscopers who have a real connection with their health professional and explain how this works and did you click straight away, or did it take time?

Or are you like me and have been searching for a long time to find that elusive connection.


A Moodscope member

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