Conscious or subconscious, who is in control?

9 Oct 2020

How do I cope with all that life throws at me?

It's not an easy prospect, when low in spirit. My physical and mental state struggles to survive each day. Every movement is like walking uphill on ice, wearing leather soled shoes. The two sides of our persona share our 'Ups' and 'Downs', the 'outer' visible self, and the 'inner' hidden subconscious self.

Trying not to allow the 'Inner' self to bring me down.... I've accepted this mood and am beginning to like myself, so long as I don't hurt others.

When I feel a 'low' coming on, finding ways (however menial) to keep occupied, distracting my mind, stops me ruminating and helps me relax. In time, I've consciously learnt to deal with this mood, preventing it destroying my ‘normal' way of life. Despite the subconscious trying to get me to believe it's here to stay. But it always passes...

We're all in the same boat, equal, rich or poor, with or without mental illness. Three things that bind us together, coming in and going out of this world... and attending to 'our ablutions' in the same manner. I can accept my place in society, carefully not to judge others.

Perhaps when low... Ask yourself who's in control of my life?

I found 'Practicing' affirmations written on the bathroom mirror, displaying 'I'm a good, kind, nice person to be around”, ”I’m as good as the next person, no better, and no one is better than I”. Given time, it really does work, mindfully gaining control of my life.

May I respectfully suggest repeating these affirmations each day, for 6 months, please do try and don't give up. Practice smiling when out, even when feeling at rock bottom...

I'm in control, I've trained my subconscious 'Inner' self, to be positive even when it tries to tell me otherwise. It's where contentment lies, that 'Inner' peace and 'Inner' happiness we all so crave. Self-confidence came to me eventually. I started to believe in myself again. Enjoying a 'Positive' way of life, the way life is meant to be... It's how I get through each day. It works for me, it may not for you, but why not try, you've nothing to lose.

Time mindfully managed increases our ability to cope - living in the now moment’, as though it were my last day on Earth. Try not to look back, it serves no purpose. Looking in the rear-view mirror of life, like we drive our car, we're bound to crash. Try to enjoy each day as though it's our last... Time and Tide wait for no man. We're only here once, appreciate this 'Gift of Life’.

I know exactly what you're going through, I've been going through it many times since 1963.

Best wishes.


A Moodscope member.

Are you a person who would never have a go at something that you fear?

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