My mother would say it was often a matter of how you say things not always what you say.
I have had relatives tell me I have a tonal problem at times, my sincerity is sometimes seen as, sarcasm or ridicule, but that is never my intention.
Sometimes it is what you say, because if someone is critical no matter how pleasant their tone, they are still being critical.
I wonder what you think about this topic?
A while ago a radio announcer would tell callers to his program that they should keep taking their medication if they disagreed with him, implying they were unwell. I contacted the program and was told it was in good humour and I should lighten up.
Is it often how you say it or is the substance as important as the way you say things.?
Is context as important as content and tone?
Do you find that your mood affects how you respond to the content or the tome of someone’s conversation?
I would like you to share your thoughts on this topic.
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