Could today be the start of a new life for you?

17 Feb 2018

Thought for Moodscopers...

When things go well we are happy and contented. But it doesn't last does it?

I believe most adversities are what I call Self-Inflicted and arrive through contention of one sort or another. Opposition seems to attack us when least expected, always when we are unprepared! We hear something detrimental about ourselves, we respond, we contend, then ignore each other.

It's vital we don't carry upon our shoulders, subconscious ill feelings toward another.

Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Ghandi, Mother Teresa even some popstars portray a philanthropic loving persona. These men and women lived their lives 'giving' to all in need.

We all have an inbuilt capacity to love one other, loving ourselves sufficiently to see the love in others. We came to Earth with no preordained contentious ideas, no past, and no foreseeable future.

Arriving with a love for all things - need confirmation, just look into the eyes of a baby.

We may unconsciously hurt anothers' feelings, if so, we urgently need an emergency repair kit to secure and rescue (anagram) the relationship we once had. Not as a doormat, but in humility, compassion for the love of them and their feelings. Even if we had no part in this disagreement.

Cast off the ego, the self, and express that loving inner compassion lying dormant, waiting for that person who has hurt us. If it fails, we cannot be responsible. We can walk away...leaving their burden behind, upon their shoulders.

Laws govern Armed Forces, Roads, Courts etc to keep the peace. The Sun rises and goes down, without hesitation. The Moon comes out in obedience to the laws of nature to govern the coming and going of the tides.

Order governs our minds, if we will let it, at peace. We become The Peacemakers. Orderly minds widen the gap between joy and sadness. Nothing left festering, as procrastination 'is the thief of Time'. Never 'shackled' to the burdens of others, sub-conscious clear, free to enjoy this beautiful world.

It's like clearing out our cupboards... It feels wonderful!

Self-confidence comes as we 'listen' with our hearts to loved ones, less confrontation, less agro, more love, more intimacy, they will love you for you.

'Contention' out of the way 'Our House in Order', relationships, debt, health, finances, work/career under control, there's 'nothing' to worry about.

Order is a state of mind, when real adversity strikes, broken arms, kidney stones etc that's all we have to 'worry' about.

I make daily 'to do' lists everything crossed off, anything left, is dealt with tomorrow. My life is orderly... Not perfectionism.

Order lessens and deminishes Bipolar Depression. Yes in that 'Miner in the Pit', 'Nagatha Critchly', 'cocooned', life becomes bearable without depressive thoughts of the things we failed to do when well.

'Return to Love' a book by Marianne Williamson, is a must, for those searching for 'Inner Peace'. It will guide you to Love and understand yourself, and the benefits of Loving others - particularly Pages 72 through to end of 73.

Your views will certainly be of great interest to me.

Thank you for 'Listening'.

Dave x

A Moodscope member.

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