Count your blessings and other things!

2 Sep 2019

My anxiety is caused by a physiological condition (hypercalcemia) but it is the anxiety about the anxiety that causes me a problem!

One of my solutions has been to count time. If you feel too tired to get out of bed in the morning, count to 20 slowly with a determination to get up when you reach this number. Rise slowly and congratulate yourself on a good start to the day. Perhaps have a different breakfast drink, chamomile, mint or rosemary tea. Small pleasant things can make a milestone in your day.

Physical activity is so important when you feel anxious and tired. Do you have real difficulty in motivating yourself? I try stepping outside and walking briskly for just 2 minutes (or try a run, if you are able, for 30 seconds). Do not worry about what to wear; any clothes and comfortable shoes will do. Chances are after the time is up you will continue. If not, pat yourself on the back at having a achieved a brisk walk or short run that day. Make a determination to try again tomorrow for a bit longer. We all know that every journey starts with a small step!

Putting off doing that uninviting household task? Maybe clearing out a cupboard that has become a jumble? Resolve to tackle it for two minutes. Time yourself with something that beeps at the end of the time. Then see if you feel like continuing. Getting engrossed in a task often makes the time fly and provides the motivation to do more. If not, finish off and feel pleased that you have made a good start.

How about a bit of quiet time? Go into the garden (or look out of the window) for a full 5 minutes. Count how many birds you see. Try to identify them by species. How many sparrows, dunnets, finches, magpies or pigeons. Look up one of the birds you don't know much about and learn a new fact!

Counted time is time well spent. It gives a sense of achievement and acts as a springboard to continue the task/activity or the motivation to do other things. Start with very short periods of time and build up from there. It adds a structure to your day and keeping a log is a good way of seeing tangible progress.

Be well, my friends, and make those minutes count.


A Moodscope member.

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