Crisps for tea 

25 Jun 2022

This week, in our house, we have been skidding into the end of term. End of school in fact. My two youngest children are children no more and school is almost out forever!


I’m carrying slow to shift Covid symptoms (steadily improving) and depression still feels like I’m being sat on by a ten-tonne grizzly bear, but I think I’m beginning to head into better health all round. 


This week called for that much bandied about phrase – ‘be kind to yourself’.  There have been concerts and celebrations, late finishes and very early starts (I’m writing this at 4.10am as I wait to taxi) and so taking care of myself has been hard to schedule and yet essential. 


Too often we are tied in knots trying to practice all the things we know we need to keep some semblance.  So I did what I could and thereafter I settled for ‘good enough with a dollop of forgiveness’.  Each day I’ve had a big nutritious breakfast, at the time of day I’ve had most energy to prepare and cook.  And for dinner, two nights on the trot, I had crisps for tea. A bag of cheese and onion and a bag of salt and vinegar. You know something, they were bl**dy great!  I sat up in bed with a mug of tea and my picnic dinner just before lights out and thought to myself that I am living my childhood dream. 


There really are no rules in this journey. Maybe that is what saves us. 


Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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