I've not written for a long while again. But I read daily all your amazing, insightful and encouraging blogs. Thank you for your gifts of words which help so much.
I hit a real low couple of weeks ago. It's complicated and long to share, but in this place I wrote this poem. It helps me to write things out when I get triggered by things, and poems or journaling help me express unexplainable feelings. I then feel I get some understanding. And that inside place gets some relief, and then it settles down again.
I'm not in this place now, but it left me tender for a fair few days. I'm aware it's a part of me that holds pain and distress, not the whole of me, and I'm not always conscious of it until I get triggered again.
I hope that you all can find ways of relieving distress when it hits you too.
Cross words
Cross words
Crossing worlds
Mixed up
Mixed messages
Crossed lines
Mixed up spaces
Third parties
A tangled mess
A tangled web
What’s the truth?
Where’s the clarity?
I get confused
I can’t see clearly
It’s not clear
don’t know
I don’t get it
But I feel it
I feel the confusion
The unclearness
The uncomfortableness
The uneasiness
The distress
The tension
Who am I?
Who are you?
What is me and what is you?
What have I done?
Am I to blame?
I feel to blame.
I feel guilty and ashamed.
The sting of ridicule
The raw pain of judgement
Not accepted
Not acceptable
So go quiet
Hide away
Safer then
Say nothing
Do nothing
Hidden in the shadows
No-one can see me then
No-one can hurt me then
Safer but alone
Oh so lonely
Help me please
I need some help
I need some love
Don’t ignore me
But don’t criticise me
And don’t judge me
Please accept me.
Warm wishes
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