Death, the leveller

11 May 2023

I’m a store manager for a well-known upmarket retailer. Today I was called to the car park as a gentleman had collapsed to the ground. It was reported to me that someone had fallen over in the car park. I went to investigate, as a duty of care and as someone concerned. I took a first aider colleague with me to support.

In the event, it transpired this was an 85 year man with diabetes who had collapsed. The police had already arrived and were administering CPR, with little effect. An ambulance then arrived, swiftly followed by two others and an air ambulance to boot. A rapid response indeed; the emergency services worked hard to revive the gentleman and did so briefly but the pulse was too weak. After an hour or so, their efforts were terminated as it was clear the gentleman was not going to be revived.

This was a very sad event for me and for my staff, who had come out to lend support to the emergency services and helping to disperse curious passers-by.

This event made me reflect on how delicate life can be and exactly how precious we are not only to ourselves but also to our loved ones. It also made me think about how we all need to seize the day and make every moment count. 

Death is part of the natural process of life but more often than not, this tends to be something we do not often experience personally but rather in the abstract. I confess, I felt sick to the pit of my stomach when I learned the gentleman could not be revived.

The sanctity of life can not and should not be under-estimated. We none of us know how long we have. We only know this: life is transient. We need to embrace every day almost like it is our last and enjoy every moment.

Let’s not be a ‘fortune’s fool’ and live with regret and fear when there is so much more for us to experience in a positive, life-affirming way.

Whilst death may indeed be the leveller, in life we can all soar and reach dizzy heights or simply be content with being in nature or the sun on our back. Whatever it is that pleases you and helps your mindset, embrace it fully. Live in the moment and take it all in.

Robin Goodfellow

A Moodscope member

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