Decluttering the mind.

31 Oct 2014

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about being inspired after painting the playhouse. It's half term this week so I thought it would be a fabulous time to sort out the kids rooms. So day 1 and off we set to Ikea to purchase storage furniture! Loaded at the till, 3 hours later, with me, two full trollies, a 7 year old, a 5 year old and a 2 year old, the lady in front looked at me sympathetically and said "you look like you have your hands full, you are very brave". That was the easy part!

Furniture put together, I looked around the rooms surrounded by chaos and clutter I realised that it was an accurate reflection of my journey at the moment. My mind has been rammed full of clutter for so long and right now I have uploaded it and am working through the mess bit by bit. I have got to that point where so much has been unpacked, that the task ahead looks too daunting and all I want to do is ram it all back in and shut the lid again and pretend I'd never started. Really, it's just too late for that, because no matter how hard I tried, it wouldn't all fit back in. So the only way forward is to continue sorting through the mess, one step at a time, discarding what is not required and putting the remainder back in a place where it deserves to be.

Hopefully, like the bedrooms that are transforming, I will emerge in a better state! Already I am seeing positives from clearing the mind. The trip to Ikea would previously have filled me with dread. Yet this time I was able to reply to the sympathetic lady that it had actually been a pleasure spending 3 hours shopping, with three beautifully behaved children. Such a small thing but looking at my children, in that moment, with everything they are going through, my heart filled with pride.


A Moodscope member.

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