Deep Dark Depression.

19 Apr 2015

How do we connect,

To the world out there;

When we are lost,

With our souls laid bare?

When we cannot move,

To even eat.

When we have to sit,

In the same old seat.

When we cannot,

Answer the phone.

When we are always,

Home alone.

When we refuse,

That knock on the door.

When we take sanctuary,

Flat on the floor.

When it’s too much,

To write an email.

When we can only,

Always, always fail.

When I cannot,

Simply get dressed.

When answering a question,

Feels like a test.

When coming daylight,

Is the foe.

Because I’m stupid,

Didn’t you know.

Depression is a demon,

That can take you.

It’s an awful obsession,

It’s a black dark hue.

It’s a burning spear,

Right through the heart.

It’s never welcome,

Yet when will it depart?

It’s the death of life,

It’s the death of soul,

It’s the death of everything,

Including your goal.

You can lose your family,

And your job too.

What can depression,

Not do to you?

There’s nothing it leaves,

As it rampages through.

Like a windblown desert,

Burned into you.

It’s twisting and turning,

While holding that knife.

The one you’ll lose most,

Is your husband or wife.

So do not despair,

You’re not alone out there.

Get into Moodscope,

Get in and share.

Some of your hurt,

Some of your heart,

A door may open,

Then you can start.

To take that simple step

That you thought had ended.

And find some feelings,

So you feel befriended.

That single step,

Of those thousand miles.

Where at the end,

Is a host of smiles.

So if you are stuck,

All black and blue,

I ask you what,

Are you going to do?

Whatever it is,

It MUST be done.

Nothing will change,

That first step MUST come.

So good luck to you,

Fighting inside.

It’s never healthy,

To simply hide.

You have to move,

And connect to people.

I know it feels like,

You have to climb a steeple.

It’s nothing so grand,

It’s nothing so high,

It’s a single step,

But please don’t say ‘try’.

To ‘try’ is to fail,

To risk is to win,

That first step,

Is how you begin.

Begin today,

To have your say.

It’s YOUR life,

Begin today.


A Moodscope member.

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