Depression or Dementia?

8 Aug 2023

Firstly, I hope this blog is not too depressing.

In the news recently it was reported that Fiona Phillips, a presenter on the TV in the UK, has been diagnosed with dementia at 62. it must be terrible for her as she watched both of her parents deteriorate with this horrible condition. Apparently she gets a lot of brain fog and anxiety. 

I am 67 I have suffered with anxiety and depression for many years. I also have dyslexia. My concentration has never been brilliant. This coupled with poor sleep brings many bad days.

My memory worries me, as I seem to be getting more forgetful. I seem to be losing keys all the time, forgetting things, forgetting names, I write notes to remind me then lose the note, then anxiety kicks in. It makes me wonder if this all anxiety related or something else. It’s got me wondering, can many others on Moodscope relate to this? 

I would be very interested in hearing if you can. 


A Moodscope member

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