Disappointments, I’ve known a few…

10 Jun 2024

This week did not go as planned. My husband had a blackout (technically a vasovagal syncope), which lasted quite a few minutes and during which he appeared lifeless, and which resulted in treatment from the acute services in A&E. Whilst every conceivable test was carried out, and a saline drip administered, I was able to view the possibility of our planned trip to France the following day receding. No travel, no rushing around, simply rest and recuperation and less stress were the recommendations. And a thorough investigation into the medications he is taking for blood pressure and prostate problems. It seems dangerously low blood pressure was to blame on this occasion, coupled with dehydration caused by the pills for the prostate. Who knew!

Neither he nor I having medical training or much knowledge of pill interaction, it was never something we’d foreseen. He has never had such an incident before. Will he have one again? We don’t know. But forewarned is definitely forearmed, and help came from the good staff both at A&E  and from the 999 people. All were exemplary. I am so thankful for this. 999 even rang us in the evening for news of the outcome! Now that’s service. The doctor was most helpful, said my husband .

So whilst the 3 week long holiday in France, which was to include a week’s painting holiday in the south west, and a visit to lovely French friends, is no longer possible, my overarching feeling is one of profound relief that my OH didn’t peg out on the bathroom floor! He looked awful. I saw it all happening in glorious technicolour and now know what genuine fear feels like! Of losing my rock, and husband of 45 years. And of being helpless to do a single thing about it. Even getting to the phone was hampered by the sheer weight of his crumpled body barring the door to the landing phone.

So disappointments, I’ve had a few, too numerous to mention, but on this occasion I just thank my lucky stars that the outcome was… healthy!

How about you? When was a disappointment not a disappointment? A blessed relief? A blessing in disguise? Serendipity? Do tell!


A Moodscope member

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