Do or Don't?

13 Jul 2015

Sometimes life can be simpler.

Most of us run a balance sheet that details what we do have and what we don't have. One of the great things we usually have is 'choice'. On any specific day, we can choose which accounts to present to our conscious awareness. Then, whatever we pay attention to tends to expand in our awareness. And, along with that awareness come all the emotions associated with those thoughts.

So, today, I can choose to concentrate on what I don't have... (and I'm not even going to drag the tone down with the long list of what my moany-mind can generate when I compare what I don't have with what I suppose others do have. It's an energy sucking exercise!)

Of course, today, I'm suggesting we concentrate on what we do have. And I'm going to go further and suggest we write it down. For reasons that are becoming clearer to psychologists (such as the areas of the brain that light up when we write), it seems writing stuff down is much more effective than thinking about matters or even talking through things.

What DO I have (as an example to get us started)?

1) New friends through Moodscope - friends that understand me and whom I understand and appreciate;

2) A way of measuring my shifts in mindset - as many times as I choose to take the test - enabling me to spot trends and helping buddies support me (and vice versa);

3) A track record of surviving every challenge I've faced over the years;

4) A comfortable place to sleep each night;

5) A love of learning that has enabled me to continue to grow throughout life;

6) A love of Nature that has kept me delighted with the shift of the Seasons;

7) The ability to touch-type (a learned ability!) that enables me to think quickly on my finger-tips;

8) A passion for making a difference that has kept me motivated and engaged for the vast majority of my life;

9) The ability to read and a love of books;

10) Access to whole new worlds of experience through the Internet.

Feeling better already!

So what's on your list?

How quickly can you generate a list of 10 things you DO have?


A Moodscope member.

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