I saw a notice about Nov 13th 2022 being kindness day. Not sure if it worldwide or just for the land down under.
Why a kindness day? I know we have RUOK days and other days asking us to remember our parents, why do we need one day for kindness when we should be doing this every day.
We can be kind by:
- Smiling at strangers
- Listening to a friend
- Really be there for someone who is struggling.
- Not judging people
- Understanding we are all different and cope in a variety of ways.
This is just a start of a very long list.
I am sure Moodscopers will have many ways they show kindness every day.
I ask why do we need a kindness day?
Maybe you can think of one kind act someone has done for you at any time and maybe one kind thing you did for someone.
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