My parents said they would always give their children the benefit of the doubt. They would always assume we were telling the truth even though there may be a doubt or two. Knowing this I could never lie to my parents.
I find at times in my life I have not been given the benefit of the doubt by friends, partners, employers. I have witnessed very honest people accused of things that they didn’t do as some people seem to rush to conclusions without looking at the facts.
I try to give the benefit of the doubt where possible. I find many people want to see the worst in someone before even listening to their story. I have also found when I first had a mental health label that people would judge me purely on the label and not on my behaviour.
I am interested in what Moodscopers think about this topic. What does the benefit of the doubt mean to you? Do you freely give it and are you often given the benefit of the doubt? Can you think of a time you were unfairly treated as you were not given the benefit of the doubt? Do you feel as a concept it is outdated? Any other thoughts?
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