Do you have routine in your life?

10 Dec 2020

I like a routine, I need a routine. Without it, I make all sorts of errors and mistakes. Certain things happen on certain days – o.k., sometimes that routine can get disrupted for a variety of reasons. Appointments, meeting up with friends or visitors coming, anything really, but if at all possible, I try and stick to a routine.

Each day I try and plan what I would like to do, or what needs doing. The only day that I try and stick to my routine is on Sunday. I call it my Admin and Finance day. I sort out my finances and any correspondence that needs attention. I also have a look at what needs doing or I would like to do during the following week.

This coming week, the weather looks as though it will be good – bright but chilly, so I will aim to get out for a long walk on at least three of those days. My walk takes me off the beaten track and I then have time to think but also look at the countryside around me. I am quite lucky that I live in a fairly rural location and part of my walk takes me past some watercress beds. I like to get out early if I can – few people around other than dog walkers, runners and cyclists plus a few regular walkers like me. We stop and have a chat, and more often than not, say how lucky we are to live in such a pleasant location.

Another thing I build in to my routine, is closing the curtains. Might seem strange, but for me, I find, at present, with the lock down etc. the sooner I have closed the curtains, I can feel safe. I can't see out and watch others breaking the rules and by closing the curtains, I am snug and warm and can, for a time forget/ignore those who annoy or bother me.

With lock down, for me, a routine is a necessity. It helps guide me through my day and keep a little bit calmer. Do you have a routine that you follow or can you just go with the 'flow'? I would be interested to know how you cope.

Take care Moodscopers.


A Moodscope member.

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