Do you send cards?

14 Sep 2023

 There are cards for every occasion. Birthdays, Christmas, Valentines Day, Good luck, New baby, Bereavement – there are even ones to give to or receive from your pets.  

OK, where am I going with this? Do any of you send cards, as in go to a shop, choose a suitable card, sign it, and where necessary, post it?  I do. I tend to keep a supply of cards at home, some for specific occasions, others are 'blank' ones.  I've also started to make cards.  For me, I like to choose a card that I think the person for whom it is being bought, will like/enjoy/appreciate it.  It makes me feel good.  It helps my well being. I love to receive cards. It makes me think, well somebody is thinking about me.

My friends eldest son has had a rough time since the pandemic. He is a water sports instructor and has not been able to find work in the UK, so was getting pretty down. Earlier in the year, he was offered and took a 4 month contract on a Greek Island.  So I put a card through their door wishing him well on his trip!  I saw him just before he left and he gave me a big hug and said. 'Wow, Viv, that is such a fantastic gesture. Thank-you.' My friends Mum has not been well. I had some blank cards which I bought from the National Trust – so, again, I popped one through her door and said something along the lines of, whilst you are taking it easy, put your feet up and enjoy the views on this card. She also loved the card.

I send quite a few cards at Christmas, though this year I may cut back on them, mainly because the postage is so expensive.  I'll have to look at my list.  Last year, I made cards and sent them to close family. I had an email from my niece who said (and I quote) – we won't be sending cards this year, it is just not something I seem able to fit in but thought I would try and reach out to everyone who does send us one. OK – sarcasm here, but, I don't think I have ever received one from my niece so..........

Now how about receiving them? Well, yes, again it is nice to receive them. I have one friend ,who doesn't live nearby, who regularly sends me a birthday card. For the last couple of years, she has sent me the same card! I'm not going to tell her this, because it is just nice to receive a card and know that she is alright. One of my sisters sends me postcards.   

I like to send and receive cards. It helps me feel good! How about you?


A Moodscope member

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