When I was child adults used to say this to me all the time. I used to try to practise all the time whether it was my illegible handwriting, diving, any sport, art, or singing but it did not matter.
However much I practised my writing was still hard to read scrawl, I still did belly flops, I could not draw or paint and I still sang loudly and out of tune.
I became frustrated because Practise did not make me perfect or at the very least not even make me adequate.
Why do we keep using this saying? I feel if you already have a natural talent for singing, sport, art or diving to name a few areas, then practising a lot will improve your talent. I understand that the more you practice a skill the more you will improve but I still think you must have some talent to begin with.
Instead of making me feel good about myself doing more practise, the saying made me feel more frustrated by making my low self esteem go even lower. I felt that even with all the practise I still could not be good enough.
Maybe you find saying Practice makes perfect, has helped you and can tell me how.
Do you find that saying annoying?
Is there another saying that you have problems with?
A Moodscope member
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