Don’t let yourself be held back

3 Apr 2024



We had a morning of pleasant sunshine yesterday and I went out into my garden to do a bit of tidying up. I had on a bench a couple of bags of bulbs that I had been meaning to put in since last autumn, but I had not got around to it - what with the weather, Christmas and then a virus.

When I picked up the bag of Tête-à-tête bulbs I discovered that one determined little one had decided that it would not be held back by my neglect and had proceeded to flower whilst still in the package.

I knew some of the bulbs had shoots and thought it was worth putting them in the ground, but was surprised to find a fully formed, if somewhat stunted flower.

This little flower, that hardly peeps above the raised bed, has given me inspiration and aspiration - if something so small and neglected can have the strength and determination to carry on regardless, then who am I to let small setbacks in my daily life stop me from forging ahead.

So I would like to encourage you to take a leaf (pun intended) out of its book and, like this little daffodil 🌼, hold your head up and seize the day.

With very best wishes for a blooming good day.


Another Sally xx

A Moodscope member

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