Drains and Radiators

7 Jun 2018

I went to an event last week where the speaker described people that she worked with as being Drains or Radiators. I knew exactly what she meant by this as I used to work with an enormous Drain who used to come and talk to me at the end of the week and I would then come home every Friday afternoon being sapped of all my energy from listening to him. The funny thing is that I'm sure that he would have felt a whole lot better from the experience and probably started his weekend with a smile on his face.

My experience above does make me marvel at the professionals who I'm sure have to listen to a lot of Drains on a regular basis. It also made me appreciate that your mood does have a powerful effect on the people around you. The amazing thing is that Drains don't even have to say anything for people around to pick up on all that negative energy.

On the other hand I love working with Radiators as I thrive on soaking up all that positivity. They bring a smile to my face and ignite my creativity. The office seems to be a much sunnier place with Radiators around!

I've also learned that some radiators can be shy and need a little coaxing to start their beaming. Chocolate for one of my co-workers usually does the trick.

I have also been fortunate to listen to a popular motivational speaker who makes his living by coaching positivity to sales teams. He advocates the simple concept of being the best you can in any particular circumstance. This for me is really helpful as when life gets tough finding positivity can be a real challenge which if you fail to find just makes you feel even worse. On the other hand accepting the situation and being the best you can gives a completely different perspective and some breathing space.

So the secret for me is to avoid drains, search out the radiators and to be the best you can no matter what!


A Moodscope member.

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