Drawing a line

6 Aug 2022

This week, I spent a little time with my mother. We were attending an outdoor event at the same time, so we ended up standing with each other. For a number of hours.  

It still shocks and disappoints me that she can be nasty and cruel on such a frequent basis (to everybody apart from her grandchildren). But I have started to expect it and accept it. I could have stayed longer, but decided I would protect myself and leave early. I also put my hands in my pockets when she was being nasty and I stuck my fingers up at her from in there. I felt like such a kid! But I needed a physical reminder that her words had nothing to do with me despite me giving them attention.

I suppose I’ve learned a boundary! Do you have one? Do you need one? Is a lack of boundary leaving you wide open?

Sunday food for thought…

Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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