Droopy drawers 

29 May 2021

When bad news arrives, it can send even the most balanced of us into a tailspin. But for those of us who struggle with keeping our mental health tethered, it can throw us into all manner of problems. I think I’ve done the clock face of this. Once upon a time, bad news (and even good news!) would set me onto an adrenalin bounce. My reactions were obtuse. I’d start with shock then click into over-energised response, flip into worry, into reaction, that would seep into my gut and a failure to eat. Unbalanced thoughts due to a lack of quality fuel and blood sugar lows would enter, a generous sprinkling of poor sleep would lead into exhaustion. Eventually hunger, over-eating and the ultimate answer would be to pick up a drink and calm everything down. 

The reason I had a chance of change was because I started scoring myself. The Moodscope cards can be uncomfortable. I’m there with you. They make us look at words we may prefer not to see. We may convince ourselves the cards mean nothing. But by facing them square on, shoulders facing shoulders, we stop allowing a supermarket sweep of our bodies and minds. And that’s when we start taking back control. A fashion phrase I’m not fond of is “owning it” but, in this case, I think when we own it, we start the long journey of permanent change. 


I’m guilty again of ignoring my cards. My mood is droopy. I’ll do them today.


Love from

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member.

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