Easy Street

Personal development
27 Nov 2022

Good morning Moodscopers!   

Taking ownership of something can be the equivalent of completing the task. Whether we like the thing or not, once we have taken ownership, its ours - we choose the quantity of time we will allow it, we choose the quality of time we will give it and we, usually, see it through.  

It’s in the part before this where we find Easy Street – procrastination. The waiting room of life! 

Easy Street is a nice place to reside. It has a chilled-out vibe, cushioned areas where heads can be stuck and gentle music plays, muffling out all kinds of calls. It is also a den of vipers. They grow their energy from the gaps in our decisions. Soon, the vipers are strong, swift, vibrant and decisive. And we are sludgy, lethargic and drained. 

The bottom line is that if we show up and take ownership, no matter how small or big that looks, we’ll have won the game and we’ll feel proud. And that feeling is rocket fuel in the war on low mood. I am so much feeling like a daunder down Easy Street, but I won’t if you won’t. 

Love from 

The room above the garage

A Moodscope member

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