Ebb and Flow.

4 Jun 2016

My love and commitment

Ebbs and flows like the sea

And on really bad days,

When life takes on a turbulent quality

I feel tossed and buffeted about.

On such days I could be caustic.

Wind blown like grass on the moors

Or petals on a delicate flower

Or scorched by the sun

Where there is no easily available shelter;

I find myself wilting.

I want to escape, to find a hiding place.

Usually it is because someone

Has made a withering comment to me;

It has permeated my whole being

Causing me to shrivel within.

The words seemed to scorch and damage

My inner self.

May other people's comments be more

Like mist to me

Appearing briefly and then vanishing entirely.

Give me more persevering endurance

Like a farmer patiently waiting for rain

So that his crops can grow and flourish

Building up an ever-growing resilience

To any negativity.

May my words be always sensitive

Caring, nurturing

Like an ever-flowing Spring

Sparkling with fresh, sweet water

That can only refresh and reinvigorate.


A Moodscope member.

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