Embracing the dark

10 Oct 2023

For 2023, I am deciding to embrace the darkness of the nights drawing in. I always enjoy Autumn with its fungi, amazing colours and sunshiney days.

However, I dread the winter – as it can last up to five months up here in the Highlands. If it's cold, crisp, snowy and sunny, I can handle that. But the grey mizzle really gets to me. I have a SAD light which shamefully I have never used but it's not been packed away and is under the bed, so I will use that. I will try to wholly embrace the Danish concept of hygge. I will see it as a wind-down and a chance for some hibernation and not fight it. I am determined not to go on a downwards spiral. 

I don't think it's helped by Christmas stuff in the shops already and instead of a month devoted to it (for example December), the tat is in the shops already and all the magazines gear up to “the party season” and buying stuff, filling your house with even more things you don't honestly need. I give Christmas ornaments and baubles to charity that I don't use and I pretty much use the same ones each year and put up the same tree. Not a real one although there are plenty of lovely specimens. I think it's all this forced jollity that grinds my gears and as soon as one thing is over, it's Halloween, then Bonfire Night, then Christmas. I have no objections to any but in moderation. 

So I'll take a leaf out of the dormouse's book. Let me know if you have any good ideas for me to stave off potential low mood.


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