Engaging with our senses

9 Dec 2018

Having recently read so much by wonderful Moodscopers about the benefits of being mindful of our senses, and how nature can alter our mood for the better, I thought I'd share a poem I wrote a little while ago.

I find tremendous solace in being with nature. I love that it combines simplicity with complexity so effortlessly. The plants flower, the leaves fall, the birds sing and the rain falls – all without any guidebook as to how things are 'supposed' to be. They just are.

I was sitting under a tree when I wrote the poem for my book. I wanted to play with words and combine the same simplicity and complexity that I find in nature, within my own senses. To taste smells, feel sounds, just be. As my different senses began to join the conversation I could see how, if allowed, ALL our senses can combine to make the most elaborate, colourful, exciting picture that is... us.

I'd be interested to hear what the following evokes in you. Can you engage with shadows as they slip...?

Feel Nature Calling

Taste the rain upon your face

Smell the wind its sweet embrace

See the scent in webs of lace

And hear nature calling

Feel the cacophony of birds up high

Smell the trees and watch them sigh

Consider rabbits in sun they lie

And hear nature calling

Embrace the trees and all they say

Listen to bulrush gently sway

Enjoy the grass; watch it play

And hear nature calling

Hold on to sand as it drifts

Engage the shadows as they slip

Dance with nothing as it sits

And hear nature calling

Quench the pain of hungered love

Grasp the kiss of one black dove

Play the dance of solitary moves

And hear nature calling

Caress the sun and all its rays

In your own adoring gaze

Feel the ice through the blaze

And hear nature calling

Drink the sounds of oceans deep

Watch the dance of restful sleep

Time to feast and drink in deep

The sound of nature calling


A Moodscope member

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