Experiences Not Failures

26 Sep 2023

On Mothers Day this year we became the proud parents of a new puppy.

Daisy the Dachshund was just what I wanted after losing Lacey two years ago. I was so excited and couldn’t wait to bring her home from the breeder.

She was such a little live wire; running around the kitchen playing with her toys 🧸 and making us laugh at her antics. After a few days I became unwell with depression and found myself in bed unable to deal with the simplest of tasks let alone coping with a hyper active pup. Mr C was busy working from home and he did what he could but we weren’t coping.

After much deliberation we decided to have her re-homed with a Dachshund charity. They found her a lovely home with a couple who had lots of space for her to run around and two other dogs for company.

I was devastated and very sad but my husband said 'there is no such thing as failure only experiences' Do you agree? I’m better now btw 😀

Take care

RC x

A Moodscope member

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