Facing the avoided

5 Sep 2024

I am sitting in the overgrown grass strewn with rubbish and rocks where my home and beloved shop once stood. It is 4 ¾ years since I have been here. I had been avoiding coming back because I knew I would not cope. I came back for a friend's memorial. People keep asking me how I feel, well as I sit here, I don’t know how I feel, sometimes I feel nothing and at times I feel everything.

I never knew avoidance was a coping mechanism. I felt it was all I could manage. Now having made the trip, met with friends and attended the celebration of life of my dear friend, I am pleased I made the effort but not sure I will ever go back again.

I am interested in how you have coped by avoiding or procrastinating things in your life and how they worked for you. I wonder if any Moodscopers ever faced something they have been avoiding, it can be big or small.

I think I would not have coped if I had gone back earlier and I cried a bit and felt quite exhausted by the whole experience.

I think counsellors now encourage us to stop avoiding but I wonder is this always a good thing.

I want to listen to others about how avoiding was ok, or how it prevented them from living life to the fullest and how facing what they were avoiding helped or hindered them.

What are you avoiding and will you face it one day?

What did you avoid and have you faced it?


A Moodscope member

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