Fast forward, pause or rewind

2 Feb 2024

Today when streaming or watching a DVD we can use the fast forward, pause, or rewind.

I wonder would you use these tools in your life?

When would you want to fast forward or pause and savour the moment or rewind and enjoy something all over again. I thought there are many parts of my life and would like to fast forward but if I did, I would miss out on other  parts of my life.

If I fast forwarded when I was in denial about bipolar, I would miss having my children and miss the lessons my chaotic behaviour taught me.

I wonder is there a tool maybe already invented for watching movies that you would like to use in real life or perhaps you would  want to invent one.

I would like to go back to a conversation I had with someone and change my tone or my language. I wish I could change the way I spoke to  mum when she had dementia instead of often being frustrated and impatient.

What tools would you use fast forward, rewind, pause or maybe a tool you would invent in your life?


A Moodscope member

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