Feel Different

Personal development
10 Jul 2023

Following on from the blog on ‘Think Different’ – I promised some thoughts on ‘Feel Different’.

These thoughts emerged from listening to a podcast entitled, ‘My Bipolar Experience.’  What jumped out was the power of the community to carry those of us who are in a season of despair. Specifically, how we can have ‘hope’ for you even in times when you can perceive no hope for yourself whatsoever.

You’ve possibly heard the saying, “Bear one another’s burdens”, but this is a really interesting corollary to that – a scenario in which we could carry-in-trust something precious for one another during times where we don’t feel fit to carry this treasure ourselves.

There have been many times where I’ve noticed the Moodscope Community holding ‘hope’ for members who temporarily could see no end to their troubles. You, too, may have recognised times where we have ‘faith’ in our fellow-sufferers when they’ve lost faith in themselves. We agree to ‘Feel Different’ about our world views of the same scenarios during these seasons. In short, I can believe in you when you don’t believe in yourself. In brief, I can hold hope for you when you hold out no hope for yourself. And, in turn, you can do that for me and for others.

Surely this ‘love’ expressed in these ways are some of the highest expressions of humanity? If you agree, I’m giving ‘Moodscope’ a ‘3’ on the ‘Proud’ card today!


A Moodscope member

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