Feel the pain

Self care
11 Aug 2023

Pain - the very word makes me feel uncomfortable. Many people reading this blog will be in pain now, have been in pain in the past or will have pain in the future.

It maybe a physical, emotional or mental pain.

People all over the world suffer pain but it differs from individual to individual.

I have a chronic condition which means I am often in pain and then will go weeks when I am ok. I am not good at coping with pain, but am trying to learn to live with it by using breathing and telling myself it will go away.

It affects my life because it is painful to do many things. I know so many people are in much more pain. I feel self-indulgent mentioning it when it is quite trivial compared to so many other people. However, when it is your pain, it does affect how you think. I chose this topic as I left writing this blog to the last minute and the only thing, I can think of is pain.

So, I would like to know how you deal with pain? I am interested if you feel the pain, embrace the pain, ignore the pain, talk to the pain or any other approach you can share.

Do you distract yourself? I have found writing this blog has helped me focus on something else.


A Moodscope member

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