It’s the turn of the Moodscope ‘Strong’ card – defined as, “Feeling able to cope with difficulties.”
How can we strengthen this feeling of being able to cope? That’s not a rhetorical question; I’d love to hear about your strategies in the comments.
There are three words I’d like to focus on: ‘strong’, ‘cope’, and ‘difficulties’.
“I am strong.”
It’s natural during difficult times to focus on the problems, the issues, the challenges. What we focus on expands – we get more of what we pay attention to. Nourishing resilience can begin with a shift of focus to our strengths. We’ve survived so far, so something must be working! You and I may not be giving ourselves enough credit for our strengths. Ask yourself, “In which ways am I strong?”
If your mind keeps returning to the problems, remind your mind that every past issue has been temporary. This perspective helps us feel stronger when we realise, “This too shall pass.”
Feeling strong is, of course, enhanced by boosting your physical strength. We all know the rules now: get enough sleep, exercise, and eat well!
“I can cope… with help.”
Moodscope’s purpose is to support. We can reach out for help from this community, and we can share experiences. With discussion, we can even decide when professional help is called for. Taking an active role in stating how you feel opens the door to more support.
“I can learn from this.”
Surprisingly, every difficulty will be rich in learning opportunities. We may learn our limits and then adapt. We may stretch way outside our comfort zone and then never quite be the same ever again. Once we accept that most growth comes through uncomfortable effort, we can redefine our relationship with the concept of ‘difficulty’. If we embrace every difficulty as our teacher, strength may rise and miracles can happen!
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